Virginia State Claims Association

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About Us

The Virginia State Claims Association (VSCA) is made up of several local associations known as the Hampton Roads Claims Association, the Lynchburg Claims Association, the Mid-Valley Claims Association, the Northern Virginia Claims Association, the Peninsula Claims Association, the Richmond Claims Association and the Roanoke Valley Claims Association. Each local association hosts monthly meetings as well as individual golf tournaments. The VSCA hosts an annual state-wide claims conference as well as golf tournament.

Governed by local association directors and elected officers, the VSCA operates by the bylaws contained on this website. Each member is also dedicated to preserving and upholding the policy to prevent any violation of antitrust laws at the meetings, conferences, and other events hosted by VSCA or any of the local claims associations.


This website along with any publication or presentation produced for the use of the VSCA does not represent the views of anyone or any companies, and is solely based on the opinions of the presenters, and is for educational purposes only. 

By your voluntary visitation to this website, participation in publications or by attending any VSCA event, you assume all risk of any possible exposures to any virus or health-detrimental effects, bodily injury, or harm that may arise. The VSCA is not liable in any way to anyone for any consequences of your decisions to travel/attend any VSCA event. 

Photography Waiver

By attending any VSCA event, you consent that your likeness may appear in photographs or video recordings and be published or otherwise used by the VSCA, which retains exclusive ownership thereof, and this consent is voluntary, with no expectation of compensation now or in the future.